Alcatel-Lucent OmniVista 8770
Network Management System


Configuration module
Full configuration of an OmniPCX Enterprise
Link to OMC management tool in case of an OXO Connect system
Graphical user interface: Thick client (Users app) or Web-Based Management based on HTML5
User Unified Management
Mass Provisioning import/export
Full support of Multi-Devices users
Including devices creation & association with users
Device Management
Creation & deployment of configuration file(s) and binary for SIP Device
Management (creation / suppression, User-device association / de-association)
The operation audit application records the activity logs for
- OXE management operations
- OXE system CLI commands
- Login & logout, access to accounting and reports applications)
Alarms & Topology
The Topology module provides a graphical view of the gathered alarms
The Alarms module centralizes the alarms coming from
- OmniPCX Enterprise system
- OXO Connect system
- OmniVista internal processes
Management of the telecommunication costs
Accounting records loading, filtering, archiving / restoring
Carrier cost calculation
Organization tree to dispatch costs between charged items
Past Time Performance
Traffic analysis data loading and filtering
Monitored objects :
- Trunk groups (external outgoing calls, call distribution, occupation threshold)
- Called numbers (most often directly called numbers from the public network)
- Sets (traffic on given sets in quantity and call duration)
- Attendant groups & attendants (call processing & distribution, average waiting time)
Different granularities (half hour, hourly, daily and monthly)
VoIP Performance
Mean Opinion Score (MOS) calculation from OXE/OXO VoIP tickets
Qualification of the OXE / OXO VoIP tickets
- Tag call as Out Of Range is above delay, packet loss or Bad Frame Interpolation (BFI) burst configurable thresholds
- Tag calls with a MOS value below a configurable minimal value è MOS out of range ticket
Active Directory integration
Synchronization between Active Directory and OmniVista 8770 company directory
User / Device provisioning from Active Directory
Provided Backup, Restore and Software update for OmniPCX Enterprise system and OXO Connect system
- Backup operation on OmniVista 8770 local or network drive
- Centralized software update
- Operations can be scheduled